Mimocat’s NFT collection and giveaway

Mimocat’s love for cats can be seen in all her amazing cat-themed artworks!
After speaking to Mimocat, we managed to find out more about how she developed and honed her illustration skills before creating amazing cat-themed artworks.
Enter our free giveaway for an exclusive Mimocat NFT here!
Tell me more about yourself and your interests!
Hi! I’m Mimo! An illustrator/graphic designer from Indonesia with a strong passion for drawing. However, I did not manage to take a design course in college and I had to utitlise my spare time to hone my illustration skills to pursue my true passion, drawing.

When did you start getting into NFTs?
I started getting into NFTs in September 2021 and I was clueless as to what exactly NFTs and blockchain technology was about when I first started. Nevertheless, I felt that the NFT space was still in it’s infancy and there were a plethora of opportunities for budding artists like myself. In January 2022, I minted my first NFT on hic et nunc and I never looked back since.
What inspired you to launch your first NFT collection?
I was extremely amazed by the endearing NFT community who were very supportive and appreciative of other artist’s works. Furthermore, seeing other NFT artists grow and succeed in this space inspired me to start and launch my first NFT in an attempt to bring across my passion of drawing to a larger audience.
Where did you get inspiration for your work from?
As you can tell from my twitter username, I love cats. They are my soul mates and I want to immortalize my love for cats with my artworks. Additionally, my inspiration for my drawings come from my imagination where I often incorporate magical, dreamy and colorful elements to complete my drawing.

Tell me something that most people do not know about NFTs
People often have a misconception that the NFT space and community only cares about money, but I believe that it is so much more than that. Through the NFT space, I managed to make lots of great friends from all over the world with different backgrounds. You can interact, get acquainted, make friends, and grow along with them. It is an extremely supportive space with plenty of opportunities for artists.
Moving forward, what’s the direction you plan to take with regard to your NFT collections?
I really want to try and step out of my comfort zone. In the near future, I plan to collaborate with various artists and I would love to create 1/1 collections on major NFT platforms such as Opensea and Foundation.

Thanks for reading! At Niftyzone, we value your craft and wish to share it with the NFT Community!
Also check out our previous artist feature editorial and giveaway here.
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