Google now allows NFT on google play: New Policy Update

A new update to Google Play’s policy allows users to buy, sell, or earn tokenized digital assets such as non-fungible tokens (NFT) within their apps on Google Play.
As blockchain and NFT gain popularity, Google Play aims to facilitate mobile developers in enhancing their digital offerings. But they mainly emphasize on user protection and transparency with the adoption of these emerging technologies.
Reddit which as gained a huge success with it’s Avatar NFT is working with Google on this new policy. A senior engineering manager at Reddit, said in a post that the updated guidelines are aimed at creating a level playing field that promotes trust among users and responsible use of blockchain technologies.
Apps that allow customers to buy, sell, or earn tokenized assets must make it clear in the Play Console that they contain blockchain elements. Google has announced that this new policy will be effective from the 7th of December 2023.
As part of the new policy, developers are required to disclose a game’s blockchain status on its store content page. Just as Epic Games offers a boilerplate disclaimer for every crypto-enabled game it hosts on its platform on the download page.
As of 2018, Play Store has banned crypto mining apps, and that rule is still active. But they do allow apps to remotely manage the mining of cryptocurrency.
Maintaining compliance with the real-money gambling policy

Apps that don’t meet Google Play’s Real-Money Gambling, Games, and Contests policy cannot accept money. These apps have no permission to offer a chance to win assets of unknown real-world monetary value, including NFTs.
Additionally, Google prohibits the use of NFTs for wagering or staking in order to win prizes of real-world monetary value (including other NFTs). Instead, users should use NFTs they have purchased to enhance their experience or help them advance in the game.
App developers must refrain from promoting or glamorizing any potential earnings from playing or trading activities, says Google.
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Read on 8 types of NFTs you must know about.